Get Based: How to Create Base NFT Collection

Get Based: How to Create Base NFT Collection

Get Based: How to Create Base NFT Collection

Get Based: How to Create Base NFT Collection
Get Based: How to Create Base NFT Collection
Get Based: How to Create Base NFT Collection

Feeling overwhelmed by all the blockchain choices for NFTs? You're not alone! With tons of new networks popping up, picking the right one to launch your NFT art can be confusing. This complete guide cuts through the confusion! We'll unveil why Base is the ideal platform to launch your NFT collection, especially for beginners.

Introduction: Understanding Base as Layer 2's NFTs

What's a Layer 2(L2)? Layer 2 solutions are designed to tackle Ethereum's scalability issues, all while leveraging its security. This means L2s aim to provide faster transaction speeds and significantly lower gas or transaction fees than the mainnet, making them ideal for NFT projects prioritizing user experience and accessibility. The exact cost difference can vary, but using an L2 solution like Base can be up to 100 times cheaper than the Ethereum mainnet. This makes them a much more accessible option for new creators and collectors.

Base vs Other layer 2s: Gas Fee and Cost of Creating NFT Collection

What exactly are gas fees? Gas fees are needed to push through your transactions on a blockchain. Every time you interact with the network, like creating or minting an NFT, you pay a gas fee to compensate miners or validators for their computing power used to process the transaction. Think of it like paying a toll fee on a highway.

High gas fees can be a major roadblock for NFT creators and collectors. They can significantly eat into profits for creators and discourage collectors from participating due to high costs. This is where Layer 2 solutions like Base come in.

Before the EIP-4844 upgrade (Lower gas fee upgrade for Layer 2), we took NiftyKit, a no-code NFT solution, and launched Smart Contracts. With their upgradable NFT collections, and diamond contracts, here are the results of the cost:

Base 0.0001ETH ($0.37)

Arbitrum 0.0006 ETH ($2.24)

Optimism 0.00005 ETH ($0.21)

Polygon 0.2501 MATIC ($0.27)

We were able to deploy a secure and efficient smart contract for under a dollar using NiftyKit. Thanks to the upcoming EIP-4844 upgrade, those costs are expected to fall even further.

Interested in creating your own NFT collection? Learn more about NiftyKit!

Why Build on Base? Strategic Advantages

Base specifically emerges as a compelling option for NFT creators. Built by Coinbase on the OP stack (in collaboration with Optimism), Base promises to onboard the next billion users to the DeFi space. This focus on user experience and scalability positions Base as a strong contender for launching your NFT collection.

Base also fosters a more inclusive environment by making it easier for anyone with a crypto wallet to participate in its ecosystem. This expands the potential reach of your NFT collection, connecting you with a broader audience of collectors. You can check out Dapp Radar 30d Volume of Base collections here:

Coinbase's Base is emerging as a key player. With a massive user base (98 million!), surging transactions (a record 2 million daily!), and a growing market share (4.1% among layer 2s), Base is attracting creators, collectors, and big brands alike.

Here's a glimpse into how Base is making waves in the NFT space:

  • Accessibility: Base boasts a thriving community (over 600,000 bridgers) and a user-friendly platform, making it easier for newcomers to enter the NFT arena. This is evident in the success of the "Only the Based" collection, which saw a whopping 183,100 mints.

  • Scalability: Forget gas fees eating into your profits! Base, built on Ethereum's layer 2, offers significantly faster and cheaper transactions. This is a major advantage for creators and collectors alike, as seen in the record-breaking minting frenzy during Coca-Cola's NFT drop (over 80,000 mints in just 72 hours!). Only the Based also minted 140K Base NFTs.

  • Big Brands are Taking Notice: Coca-Cola's successful NFT campaign on Base is a testament to the platform's appeal. Imagine owning a piece of iconic Coca-Cola history in digital form!

  • Free Minting Opportunities: While paid mints are common, Base creators also facilitate free mints, like Deekay Motion (45,000 mints) and Iskra (a whopping 73,000 mints!). This opens doors for wider participation and community building.

Base NFTs in the Market: Onchain Summer

Base aims to make the on-chain experience smooth and accessible for everyone. That is why every year, Base celebrates Onchain Summer is their way of throwing a massive welcome party, inviting creators to be a part of this exciting journey. By participating, you're not just creating NFTs, you're contributing to something bigger.

The “Onchain Summer” event functions as a month-long celebration of everything built "on-chain," which refers to data stored directly on a blockchain. This translates to a global audience for talented creators like yourself. Last year, 2023, over 700,000 NFTs were minted during the event, with a whopping 268,000 different people participating!

Onchain Summer isn't limited to static artwork like paintings or photographs. It's a celebration of on-chain creativity in all its forms. Music, games, and the entire digital playground are open for exploration. This event serves as an inspiration to push boundaries and experiment with new ways to bring your NFT visions to life.

Onchain Summer isn't just for creators; it's attracting a whole new wave of blockchain enthusiasts. This influx translates to a larger pool of potential collectors for your work. As more people join the Base Network, your creations gain greater exposure, increasing the chances of finding the perfect collector for each NFT.

Popular NFT Collection Types on Base

The Base network has become a vibrant hub for NFT creation but with so much happening, it can be tricky to navigate the different types of NFT collections taking center stage. So far, there are two most popular approaches on Base : NFT drops featuring PFP generative art and Open Edition releases.

Decoding the Drop: Generative Art NFTs Take Over Base Network

A Generative Art NFT Drop is a collection of thousands of unique profile pictures (PFPs) or artworks, each boasting its own style and personality. That's the magic of generative art! It harnesses the power of algorithms to create countless variations based on a set of core traits designed by the artist. ake, for example, a popular generative drop by Based Punks. As of June 10, 2024, they have a total traded value of 3,726 ETH. Here's what they did:

  • Concept: Based Punks is likely inspired by the wildly popular CryptoPunks collection, featuring a pixelated art style and a limited number of unique characters.

  • Generative Traits: They likely use an algorithm to generate thousands of variations based on a set of pre-defined characteristics. These characteristics could include things like facial expressions, hairstyles, clothing, and accessories.

  • Rarity: Some variations within the collection are likely rarer than others, based on the specific combination of traits they possess. Rarer Punks often command higher prices in the market.

  • Utility: Based Punks offer additional utility beyond just being profile pictures. This could include access to exclusive communities, events, or future NFT drops.

Creating PFP NFTs with generative art can be easier than you think. There are several free, no-code platforms available online that allow you to design character traits and generate variations. These tools can be a fantastic springboard for your NFT journey. One great example is NiftyKit. This user-friendly platform integrates seamlessly with the Base network and offers a suite of features specifically designed for generating art and NFT creation.

Get started for free here.

Why Base Network Creators are Loving Open Editions (and Why You Should Too!)

Open Editions are unique pieces of artwork, but instead of just one person owning it, anyone can get a copy for a limited time! That's the magic of Open Editions. Here's what makes them attractive for creators on the Base network:

  • Community Building: Open Editions allow more people to join your NFT community by offering the artwork at a lower price point. This can create a bigger fanbase around your project.

  • Increased Exposure: With more people owning your artwork, it gets seen by a wider audience. This can lead to more interest in your future collections.

  • Testing the Waters: Open Editions are a great way to gauge interest in your art style before creating limited edition collections.

Creating Base Editions using NiftyKit

  • Reward Early Supporters: Limited Editions give early fans a chance to own a rarer piece, potentially with higher value down the line. With NiftyKit, you can use their Token Access tool to give exclusive content to your collectors

  • Control Over Supply: Decide on how many NFTs are available. NiftyKit’s NFT sales tool allows you to manage the value and exclusivity of your collection. You can change the supply of the mint, and add more as you go.

  • Flexibility: You can even combine Open and Limited Editions! Offer a limited number of unique versions alongside an Open Edition for a broader reach.

Create Base Open Editions

Exploring Other NFT Collection Types

The Base network is a launchpad for innovation, and the NFT landscape goes far beyond PFPs and Open Editions. Here's a glimpse into the exciting world of alternative NFT collection types:

  • Functional NFTs: Utility Beyond the Image: These NFTs offer more than just cool visuals. Imagine owning an NFT that grants you exclusive access to a community, online forums, or even real-world events.

  • Narrative-Driven NFTs: Where Stories Come Alive: NFTs can be used to create interactive stories that unfold over time. Imagine owning an NFT that unlocks new chapters, characters, or experiences as the story progresses, adding a whole new layer of engagement.

  • Phygital NFTs: Blending the Physical & Digital: The line between the real and digital world is blurring. Phygital NFTs bridge the gap by connecting digital ownership with physical goods or real-world experiences.

Custom Smart Contract vs NFT Smart Contract Generator for Base

Deciding between custom and no-code NFT creation hinges on your project's complexity. Custom contracts offer ultimate control and can have the features for complex projects, but require coding expertise and can be pricey.

User-friendly no-code contract generator gets you started quickly and affordably but limits customization. There are many no-code platforms now that offer a lot of features all in one and might be perfect for your collection especially if you’re just starting your very first collection.

Choose the path that aligns best - custom for intricate needs and control, or no code for speed, ease of use, and a lower budget.

How To Create Your Base NFT Collection

Checklist: Pre-launch


  • A NiftyKit Account: Sign up for a free account on NiftyKit. This is a no-code NFT creation tool made to help creators in all level, especially beginners.

  • Finalized Digital Assets: These are the files that will become your NFTs (images, videos, audio, etc.). Don't have the art assets yet? You can also use NIftyKit's Free art generator here

  • Digital Wallet: This digital vault stores, manages, sends, and receives your cryptocurrency and NFTs (digital collectibles). Creating a Base NFT collection supports a variety of wallets, so you can choose between software options (apps) or hardware wallets (physical devices). Research and pick a wallet provider that suits your needs. We recommend some popular options: MetaMask (software), WalletConnect (software), and Coinbase (software).

  • Base Cryptocurrency for Gas Fees: You'll need some cryptocurrency to cover gas fees for deploying the smart contract and minting NFTs. If you need to bridge Base from Ethereum Mainnet, you can watch our Bridge Tutorial here.

  • Content for your NFT Collection:

    • Collection Name & Description: Craft a catchy name and write a compelling description for your NFT collection.

    • Metadata: This data provides details about each NFT, like its name, description, and any unique properties. You can create metadata manually or use NiftyKit's tools.

Optional (but Recommended):

  • Understanding of NFTs & Smart Contracts: While NiftyKit is user-friendly, a basic understanding of these concepts will help you navigate the platform effectively.

  • Marketing Plan: Consider how you'll promote your NFT collection to build a community and attract buyers.

Additional Considerations:

  • Choosing a Collection Type: NiftyKit offers two main contract types: Drop for generative drops with many NFTs or one asset for multiple tokens. and Edition for one-of-one NFTs.

  • Setting Up Revenue Split (if applicable): If you're collaborating with others, NiftyKit's revenue splitter helps distribute funds automatically.

  • Pre-reveal Image (optional): This is a placeholder image users see before the official NFT reveal, and can be the fallback image.

NiftyKit: Launch Your Base NFT Collection in 8 Easy Steps (No Coding Required!)

1. Free Sign Up: Get started with NiftyKit's user-friendly platform for creating secure, fast, and affordable smart contracts - no coding needed!

2. Smart Contract Builder: Click "Create" to unleash your NFT collection. Let the magic begin!

3. Choose Your Collection Type:

  • Drops: Ideal for large collections, reveals, dynamic NFTs, and blind minting. (Highly Recommended)

  • Editions: Perfect for simple collections with individual image uploads.

4. Base Network Advantage: NiftyKit supports Base Network, an Ethereum Layer 2 solution for efficient, cost-effective NFT creation. (Optional: See how we launched a Base Diamond Contract for just $0.37!)

5. Customize Your Smart Contract:

  • Upload a captivating image and banner.

  • Set your collection name, symbol, and description.

  • Enter your primary and secondary wallet addresses. (Don't have a wallet yet? Create one easily!)

  • Click "Save Draft" to save your progress.

6. Upload NFTs and Launch Contract:

  • Drag and drop your art files for easy upload.

  • Edit metadata anytime with the user-friendly builder.

  • Click Create Contract to finalize and launch your Base Collection.

7. No Sales Fees, Start Minting:

  • Click "Prepare Drop" to open your mint for sale. NiftyKit takes 0% commission on your sales. Tools are free for creators.

  • Share your dedicated mint page for easy minting. Click "view" to go to your generated mint page.

  • NFTs automatically appear on marketplaces like OpenSea and Coinbase.

8. Upgrade Your Collection (Optional):

  • Unlock additional features like token access, credit card minting, soulbound restrictions, royalty updates, and more!

  • Take advantage of NiftyKit's App features to boost your collection's value and engagement. NiftyKit also supports built in frames for Farcaster.

Try Creating a Draft Demo Collection here for free

What is the NiftyKit Demo Collection?

This free feature is your gateway into the exciting world of NFTs. It's a pre-built collection within the NiftyKit platform that allows you to experiment and explore all the functionalities involved in creating and managing your own collection, completely free of charge.

Why Use the Base Demo Collection?

The Base Demo Collection is a fantastic way to:

  • Get Comfortable with the Platform: Navigate the NiftyKit interface, familiarize yourself with the layout, and discover all the features it offers.

  • Test Uploading NFTs: Practice uploading your digital assets (images, audio, or video) and see how they appear within the collection.

  • Explore Metadata Options: Play around with adding descriptions, properties, and other relevant information to your NFTs. This metadata is crucial for potential collectors.

  • Simulate a Waitlist: Set up a waitlist to gauge interest in your hypothetical collection. This is a great way to see how NiftyKit facilitates building anticipation before your official launch.

The Benefits of Experimentation

By using the Demo Collection, you can gain valuable experience without any financial commitment. This allows you to:

  • Build Confidence: Feel empowered by understanding the process before launching your real collection.

  • Refine Your Collection Concept: Experiment with different NFT ideas and see how they translate within the platform.

  • Iron Out Any Kinks: Identify any potential challenges you might face and address them before launch.

Ready to Try the Base Demo Collection?

Head over to NiftyKit and sign up for a free account. You'll be automatically granted access to your very own Demo Collection. From there, you can explore all the features and get a taste of the exciting world of NFT creation!

Remember, the Demo Collection is your playground. Experiment, learn, and get ready to launch your NFT collection with confidence!

Feeling overwhelmed by all the blockchain choices for NFTs? You're not alone! With tons of new networks popping up, picking the right one to launch your NFT art can be confusing. This complete guide cuts through the confusion! We'll unveil why Base is the ideal platform to launch your NFT collection, especially for beginners.

Introduction: Understanding Base as Layer 2's NFTs

What's a Layer 2(L2)? Layer 2 solutions are designed to tackle Ethereum's scalability issues, all while leveraging its security. This means L2s aim to provide faster transaction speeds and significantly lower gas or transaction fees than the mainnet, making them ideal for NFT projects prioritizing user experience and accessibility. The exact cost difference can vary, but using an L2 solution like Base can be up to 100 times cheaper than the Ethereum mainnet. This makes them a much more accessible option for new creators and collectors.

Base vs Other layer 2s: Gas Fee and Cost of Creating NFT Collection

What exactly are gas fees? Gas fees are needed to push through your transactions on a blockchain. Every time you interact with the network, like creating or minting an NFT, you pay a gas fee to compensate miners or validators for their computing power used to process the transaction. Think of it like paying a toll fee on a highway.

High gas fees can be a major roadblock for NFT creators and collectors. They can significantly eat into profits for creators and discourage collectors from participating due to high costs. This is where Layer 2 solutions like Base come in.

Before the EIP-4844 upgrade (Lower gas fee upgrade for Layer 2), we took NiftyKit, a no-code NFT solution, and launched Smart Contracts. With their upgradable NFT collections, and diamond contracts, here are the results of the cost:

Base 0.0001ETH ($0.37)

Arbitrum 0.0006 ETH ($2.24)

Optimism 0.00005 ETH ($0.21)

Polygon 0.2501 MATIC ($0.27)

We were able to deploy a secure and efficient smart contract for under a dollar using NiftyKit. Thanks to the upcoming EIP-4844 upgrade, those costs are expected to fall even further.

Interested in creating your own NFT collection? Learn more about NiftyKit!

Why Build on Base? Strategic Advantages

Base specifically emerges as a compelling option for NFT creators. Built by Coinbase on the OP stack (in collaboration with Optimism), Base promises to onboard the next billion users to the DeFi space. This focus on user experience and scalability positions Base as a strong contender for launching your NFT collection.

Base also fosters a more inclusive environment by making it easier for anyone with a crypto wallet to participate in its ecosystem. This expands the potential reach of your NFT collection, connecting you with a broader audience of collectors. You can check out Dapp Radar 30d Volume of Base collections here:

Coinbase's Base is emerging as a key player. With a massive user base (98 million!), surging transactions (a record 2 million daily!), and a growing market share (4.1% among layer 2s), Base is attracting creators, collectors, and big brands alike.

Here's a glimpse into how Base is making waves in the NFT space:

  • Accessibility: Base boasts a thriving community (over 600,000 bridgers) and a user-friendly platform, making it easier for newcomers to enter the NFT arena. This is evident in the success of the "Only the Based" collection, which saw a whopping 183,100 mints.

  • Scalability: Forget gas fees eating into your profits! Base, built on Ethereum's layer 2, offers significantly faster and cheaper transactions. This is a major advantage for creators and collectors alike, as seen in the record-breaking minting frenzy during Coca-Cola's NFT drop (over 80,000 mints in just 72 hours!). Only the Based also minted 140K Base NFTs.

  • Big Brands are Taking Notice: Coca-Cola's successful NFT campaign on Base is a testament to the platform's appeal. Imagine owning a piece of iconic Coca-Cola history in digital form!

  • Free Minting Opportunities: While paid mints are common, Base creators also facilitate free mints, like Deekay Motion (45,000 mints) and Iskra (a whopping 73,000 mints!). This opens doors for wider participation and community building.

Base NFTs in the Market: Onchain Summer

Base aims to make the on-chain experience smooth and accessible for everyone. That is why every year, Base celebrates Onchain Summer is their way of throwing a massive welcome party, inviting creators to be a part of this exciting journey. By participating, you're not just creating NFTs, you're contributing to something bigger.

The “Onchain Summer” event functions as a month-long celebration of everything built "on-chain," which refers to data stored directly on a blockchain. This translates to a global audience for talented creators like yourself. Last year, 2023, over 700,000 NFTs were minted during the event, with a whopping 268,000 different people participating!

Onchain Summer isn't limited to static artwork like paintings or photographs. It's a celebration of on-chain creativity in all its forms. Music, games, and the entire digital playground are open for exploration. This event serves as an inspiration to push boundaries and experiment with new ways to bring your NFT visions to life.

Onchain Summer isn't just for creators; it's attracting a whole new wave of blockchain enthusiasts. This influx translates to a larger pool of potential collectors for your work. As more people join the Base Network, your creations gain greater exposure, increasing the chances of finding the perfect collector for each NFT.

Popular NFT Collection Types on Base

The Base network has become a vibrant hub for NFT creation but with so much happening, it can be tricky to navigate the different types of NFT collections taking center stage. So far, there are two most popular approaches on Base : NFT drops featuring PFP generative art and Open Edition releases.

Decoding the Drop: Generative Art NFTs Take Over Base Network

A Generative Art NFT Drop is a collection of thousands of unique profile pictures (PFPs) or artworks, each boasting its own style and personality. That's the magic of generative art! It harnesses the power of algorithms to create countless variations based on a set of core traits designed by the artist. ake, for example, a popular generative drop by Based Punks. As of June 10, 2024, they have a total traded value of 3,726 ETH. Here's what they did:

  • Concept: Based Punks is likely inspired by the wildly popular CryptoPunks collection, featuring a pixelated art style and a limited number of unique characters.

  • Generative Traits: They likely use an algorithm to generate thousands of variations based on a set of pre-defined characteristics. These characteristics could include things like facial expressions, hairstyles, clothing, and accessories.

  • Rarity: Some variations within the collection are likely rarer than others, based on the specific combination of traits they possess. Rarer Punks often command higher prices in the market.

  • Utility: Based Punks offer additional utility beyond just being profile pictures. This could include access to exclusive communities, events, or future NFT drops.

Creating PFP NFTs with generative art can be easier than you think. There are several free, no-code platforms available online that allow you to design character traits and generate variations. These tools can be a fantastic springboard for your NFT journey. One great example is NiftyKit. This user-friendly platform integrates seamlessly with the Base network and offers a suite of features specifically designed for generating art and NFT creation.

Get started for free here.

Why Base Network Creators are Loving Open Editions (and Why You Should Too!)

Open Editions are unique pieces of artwork, but instead of just one person owning it, anyone can get a copy for a limited time! That's the magic of Open Editions. Here's what makes them attractive for creators on the Base network:

  • Community Building: Open Editions allow more people to join your NFT community by offering the artwork at a lower price point. This can create a bigger fanbase around your project.

  • Increased Exposure: With more people owning your artwork, it gets seen by a wider audience. This can lead to more interest in your future collections.

  • Testing the Waters: Open Editions are a great way to gauge interest in your art style before creating limited edition collections.

Creating Base Editions using NiftyKit

  • Reward Early Supporters: Limited Editions give early fans a chance to own a rarer piece, potentially with higher value down the line. With NiftyKit, you can use their Token Access tool to give exclusive content to your collectors

  • Control Over Supply: Decide on how many NFTs are available. NiftyKit’s NFT sales tool allows you to manage the value and exclusivity of your collection. You can change the supply of the mint, and add more as you go.

  • Flexibility: You can even combine Open and Limited Editions! Offer a limited number of unique versions alongside an Open Edition for a broader reach.

Create Base Open Editions

Exploring Other NFT Collection Types

The Base network is a launchpad for innovation, and the NFT landscape goes far beyond PFPs and Open Editions. Here's a glimpse into the exciting world of alternative NFT collection types:

  • Functional NFTs: Utility Beyond the Image: These NFTs offer more than just cool visuals. Imagine owning an NFT that grants you exclusive access to a community, online forums, or even real-world events.

  • Narrative-Driven NFTs: Where Stories Come Alive: NFTs can be used to create interactive stories that unfold over time. Imagine owning an NFT that unlocks new chapters, characters, or experiences as the story progresses, adding a whole new layer of engagement.

  • Phygital NFTs: Blending the Physical & Digital: The line between the real and digital world is blurring. Phygital NFTs bridge the gap by connecting digital ownership with physical goods or real-world experiences.

Custom Smart Contract vs NFT Smart Contract Generator for Base

Deciding between custom and no-code NFT creation hinges on your project's complexity. Custom contracts offer ultimate control and can have the features for complex projects, but require coding expertise and can be pricey.

User-friendly no-code contract generator gets you started quickly and affordably but limits customization. There are many no-code platforms now that offer a lot of features all in one and might be perfect for your collection especially if you’re just starting your very first collection.

Choose the path that aligns best - custom for intricate needs and control, or no code for speed, ease of use, and a lower budget.

How To Create Your Base NFT Collection

Checklist: Pre-launch


  • A NiftyKit Account: Sign up for a free account on NiftyKit. This is a no-code NFT creation tool made to help creators in all level, especially beginners.

  • Finalized Digital Assets: These are the files that will become your NFTs (images, videos, audio, etc.). Don't have the art assets yet? You can also use NIftyKit's Free art generator here

  • Digital Wallet: This digital vault stores, manages, sends, and receives your cryptocurrency and NFTs (digital collectibles). Creating a Base NFT collection supports a variety of wallets, so you can choose between software options (apps) or hardware wallets (physical devices). Research and pick a wallet provider that suits your needs. We recommend some popular options: MetaMask (software), WalletConnect (software), and Coinbase (software).

  • Base Cryptocurrency for Gas Fees: You'll need some cryptocurrency to cover gas fees for deploying the smart contract and minting NFTs. If you need to bridge Base from Ethereum Mainnet, you can watch our Bridge Tutorial here.

  • Content for your NFT Collection:

    • Collection Name & Description: Craft a catchy name and write a compelling description for your NFT collection.

    • Metadata: This data provides details about each NFT, like its name, description, and any unique properties. You can create metadata manually or use NiftyKit's tools.

Optional (but Recommended):

  • Understanding of NFTs & Smart Contracts: While NiftyKit is user-friendly, a basic understanding of these concepts will help you navigate the platform effectively.

  • Marketing Plan: Consider how you'll promote your NFT collection to build a community and attract buyers.

Additional Considerations:

  • Choosing a Collection Type: NiftyKit offers two main contract types: Drop for generative drops with many NFTs or one asset for multiple tokens. and Edition for one-of-one NFTs.

  • Setting Up Revenue Split (if applicable): If you're collaborating with others, NiftyKit's revenue splitter helps distribute funds automatically.

  • Pre-reveal Image (optional): This is a placeholder image users see before the official NFT reveal, and can be the fallback image.

NiftyKit: Launch Your Base NFT Collection in 8 Easy Steps (No Coding Required!)

1. Free Sign Up: Get started with NiftyKit's user-friendly platform for creating secure, fast, and affordable smart contracts - no coding needed!

2. Smart Contract Builder: Click "Create" to unleash your NFT collection. Let the magic begin!

3. Choose Your Collection Type:

  • Drops: Ideal for large collections, reveals, dynamic NFTs, and blind minting. (Highly Recommended)

  • Editions: Perfect for simple collections with individual image uploads.

4. Base Network Advantage: NiftyKit supports Base Network, an Ethereum Layer 2 solution for efficient, cost-effective NFT creation. (Optional: See how we launched a Base Diamond Contract for just $0.37!)

5. Customize Your Smart Contract:

  • Upload a captivating image and banner.

  • Set your collection name, symbol, and description.

  • Enter your primary and secondary wallet addresses. (Don't have a wallet yet? Create one easily!)

  • Click "Save Draft" to save your progress.

6. Upload NFTs and Launch Contract:

  • Drag and drop your art files for easy upload.

  • Edit metadata anytime with the user-friendly builder.

  • Click Create Contract to finalize and launch your Base Collection.

7. No Sales Fees, Start Minting:

  • Click "Prepare Drop" to open your mint for sale. NiftyKit takes 0% commission on your sales. Tools are free for creators.

  • Share your dedicated mint page for easy minting. Click "view" to go to your generated mint page.

  • NFTs automatically appear on marketplaces like OpenSea and Coinbase.

8. Upgrade Your Collection (Optional):

  • Unlock additional features like token access, credit card minting, soulbound restrictions, royalty updates, and more!

  • Take advantage of NiftyKit's App features to boost your collection's value and engagement. NiftyKit also supports built in frames for Farcaster.

Try Creating a Draft Demo Collection here for free

What is the NiftyKit Demo Collection?

This free feature is your gateway into the exciting world of NFTs. It's a pre-built collection within the NiftyKit platform that allows you to experiment and explore all the functionalities involved in creating and managing your own collection, completely free of charge.

Why Use the Base Demo Collection?

The Base Demo Collection is a fantastic way to:

  • Get Comfortable with the Platform: Navigate the NiftyKit interface, familiarize yourself with the layout, and discover all the features it offers.

  • Test Uploading NFTs: Practice uploading your digital assets (images, audio, or video) and see how they appear within the collection.

  • Explore Metadata Options: Play around with adding descriptions, properties, and other relevant information to your NFTs. This metadata is crucial for potential collectors.

  • Simulate a Waitlist: Set up a waitlist to gauge interest in your hypothetical collection. This is a great way to see how NiftyKit facilitates building anticipation before your official launch.

The Benefits of Experimentation

By using the Demo Collection, you can gain valuable experience without any financial commitment. This allows you to:

  • Build Confidence: Feel empowered by understanding the process before launching your real collection.

  • Refine Your Collection Concept: Experiment with different NFT ideas and see how they translate within the platform.

  • Iron Out Any Kinks: Identify any potential challenges you might face and address them before launch.

Ready to Try the Base Demo Collection?

Head over to NiftyKit and sign up for a free account. You'll be automatically granted access to your very own Demo Collection. From there, you can explore all the features and get a taste of the exciting world of NFT creation!

Remember, the Demo Collection is your playground. Experiment, learn, and get ready to launch your NFT collection with confidence!

Feeling overwhelmed by all the blockchain choices for NFTs? You're not alone! With tons of new networks popping up, picking the right one to launch your NFT art can be confusing. This complete guide cuts through the confusion! We'll unveil why Base is the ideal platform to launch your NFT collection, especially for beginners.

Introduction: Understanding Base as Layer 2's NFTs

What's a Layer 2(L2)? Layer 2 solutions are designed to tackle Ethereum's scalability issues, all while leveraging its security. This means L2s aim to provide faster transaction speeds and significantly lower gas or transaction fees than the mainnet, making them ideal for NFT projects prioritizing user experience and accessibility. The exact cost difference can vary, but using an L2 solution like Base can be up to 100 times cheaper than the Ethereum mainnet. This makes them a much more accessible option for new creators and collectors.

Base vs Other layer 2s: Gas Fee and Cost of Creating NFT Collection

What exactly are gas fees? Gas fees are needed to push through your transactions on a blockchain. Every time you interact with the network, like creating or minting an NFT, you pay a gas fee to compensate miners or validators for their computing power used to process the transaction. Think of it like paying a toll fee on a highway.

High gas fees can be a major roadblock for NFT creators and collectors. They can significantly eat into profits for creators and discourage collectors from participating due to high costs. This is where Layer 2 solutions like Base come in.

Before the EIP-4844 upgrade (Lower gas fee upgrade for Layer 2), we took NiftyKit, a no-code NFT solution, and launched Smart Contracts. With their upgradable NFT collections, and diamond contracts, here are the results of the cost:

Base 0.0001ETH ($0.37)

Arbitrum 0.0006 ETH ($2.24)

Optimism 0.00005 ETH ($0.21)

Polygon 0.2501 MATIC ($0.27)

We were able to deploy a secure and efficient smart contract for under a dollar using NiftyKit. Thanks to the upcoming EIP-4844 upgrade, those costs are expected to fall even further.

Interested in creating your own NFT collection? Learn more about NiftyKit!

Why Build on Base? Strategic Advantages

Base specifically emerges as a compelling option for NFT creators. Built by Coinbase on the OP stack (in collaboration with Optimism), Base promises to onboard the next billion users to the DeFi space. This focus on user experience and scalability positions Base as a strong contender for launching your NFT collection.

Base also fosters a more inclusive environment by making it easier for anyone with a crypto wallet to participate in its ecosystem. This expands the potential reach of your NFT collection, connecting you with a broader audience of collectors. You can check out Dapp Radar 30d Volume of Base collections here:

Coinbase's Base is emerging as a key player. With a massive user base (98 million!), surging transactions (a record 2 million daily!), and a growing market share (4.1% among layer 2s), Base is attracting creators, collectors, and big brands alike.

Here's a glimpse into how Base is making waves in the NFT space:

  • Accessibility: Base boasts a thriving community (over 600,000 bridgers) and a user-friendly platform, making it easier for newcomers to enter the NFT arena. This is evident in the success of the "Only the Based" collection, which saw a whopping 183,100 mints.

  • Scalability: Forget gas fees eating into your profits! Base, built on Ethereum's layer 2, offers significantly faster and cheaper transactions. This is a major advantage for creators and collectors alike, as seen in the record-breaking minting frenzy during Coca-Cola's NFT drop (over 80,000 mints in just 72 hours!). Only the Based also minted 140K Base NFTs.

  • Big Brands are Taking Notice: Coca-Cola's successful NFT campaign on Base is a testament to the platform's appeal. Imagine owning a piece of iconic Coca-Cola history in digital form!

  • Free Minting Opportunities: While paid mints are common, Base creators also facilitate free mints, like Deekay Motion (45,000 mints) and Iskra (a whopping 73,000 mints!). This opens doors for wider participation and community building.

Base NFTs in the Market: Onchain Summer

Base aims to make the on-chain experience smooth and accessible for everyone. That is why every year, Base celebrates Onchain Summer is their way of throwing a massive welcome party, inviting creators to be a part of this exciting journey. By participating, you're not just creating NFTs, you're contributing to something bigger.

The “Onchain Summer” event functions as a month-long celebration of everything built "on-chain," which refers to data stored directly on a blockchain. This translates to a global audience for talented creators like yourself. Last year, 2023, over 700,000 NFTs were minted during the event, with a whopping 268,000 different people participating!

Onchain Summer isn't limited to static artwork like paintings or photographs. It's a celebration of on-chain creativity in all its forms. Music, games, and the entire digital playground are open for exploration. This event serves as an inspiration to push boundaries and experiment with new ways to bring your NFT visions to life.

Onchain Summer isn't just for creators; it's attracting a whole new wave of blockchain enthusiasts. This influx translates to a larger pool of potential collectors for your work. As more people join the Base Network, your creations gain greater exposure, increasing the chances of finding the perfect collector for each NFT.

Popular NFT Collection Types on Base

The Base network has become a vibrant hub for NFT creation but with so much happening, it can be tricky to navigate the different types of NFT collections taking center stage. So far, there are two most popular approaches on Base : NFT drops featuring PFP generative art and Open Edition releases.

Decoding the Drop: Generative Art NFTs Take Over Base Network

A Generative Art NFT Drop is a collection of thousands of unique profile pictures (PFPs) or artworks, each boasting its own style and personality. That's the magic of generative art! It harnesses the power of algorithms to create countless variations based on a set of core traits designed by the artist. ake, for example, a popular generative drop by Based Punks. As of June 10, 2024, they have a total traded value of 3,726 ETH. Here's what they did:

  • Concept: Based Punks is likely inspired by the wildly popular CryptoPunks collection, featuring a pixelated art style and a limited number of unique characters.

  • Generative Traits: They likely use an algorithm to generate thousands of variations based on a set of pre-defined characteristics. These characteristics could include things like facial expressions, hairstyles, clothing, and accessories.

  • Rarity: Some variations within the collection are likely rarer than others, based on the specific combination of traits they possess. Rarer Punks often command higher prices in the market.

  • Utility: Based Punks offer additional utility beyond just being profile pictures. This could include access to exclusive communities, events, or future NFT drops.

Creating PFP NFTs with generative art can be easier than you think. There are several free, no-code platforms available online that allow you to design character traits and generate variations. These tools can be a fantastic springboard for your NFT journey. One great example is NiftyKit. This user-friendly platform integrates seamlessly with the Base network and offers a suite of features specifically designed for generating art and NFT creation.

Get started for free here.

Why Base Network Creators are Loving Open Editions (and Why You Should Too!)

Open Editions are unique pieces of artwork, but instead of just one person owning it, anyone can get a copy for a limited time! That's the magic of Open Editions. Here's what makes them attractive for creators on the Base network:

  • Community Building: Open Editions allow more people to join your NFT community by offering the artwork at a lower price point. This can create a bigger fanbase around your project.

  • Increased Exposure: With more people owning your artwork, it gets seen by a wider audience. This can lead to more interest in your future collections.

  • Testing the Waters: Open Editions are a great way to gauge interest in your art style before creating limited edition collections.

Creating Base Editions using NiftyKit

  • Reward Early Supporters: Limited Editions give early fans a chance to own a rarer piece, potentially with higher value down the line. With NiftyKit, you can use their Token Access tool to give exclusive content to your collectors

  • Control Over Supply: Decide on how many NFTs are available. NiftyKit’s NFT sales tool allows you to manage the value and exclusivity of your collection. You can change the supply of the mint, and add more as you go.

  • Flexibility: You can even combine Open and Limited Editions! Offer a limited number of unique versions alongside an Open Edition for a broader reach.

Create Base Open Editions

Exploring Other NFT Collection Types

The Base network is a launchpad for innovation, and the NFT landscape goes far beyond PFPs and Open Editions. Here's a glimpse into the exciting world of alternative NFT collection types:

  • Functional NFTs: Utility Beyond the Image: These NFTs offer more than just cool visuals. Imagine owning an NFT that grants you exclusive access to a community, online forums, or even real-world events.

  • Narrative-Driven NFTs: Where Stories Come Alive: NFTs can be used to create interactive stories that unfold over time. Imagine owning an NFT that unlocks new chapters, characters, or experiences as the story progresses, adding a whole new layer of engagement.

  • Phygital NFTs: Blending the Physical & Digital: The line between the real and digital world is blurring. Phygital NFTs bridge the gap by connecting digital ownership with physical goods or real-world experiences.

Custom Smart Contract vs NFT Smart Contract Generator for Base

Deciding between custom and no-code NFT creation hinges on your project's complexity. Custom contracts offer ultimate control and can have the features for complex projects, but require coding expertise and can be pricey.

User-friendly no-code contract generator gets you started quickly and affordably but limits customization. There are many no-code platforms now that offer a lot of features all in one and might be perfect for your collection especially if you’re just starting your very first collection.

Choose the path that aligns best - custom for intricate needs and control, or no code for speed, ease of use, and a lower budget.

How To Create Your Base NFT Collection

Checklist: Pre-launch


  • A NiftyKit Account: Sign up for a free account on NiftyKit. This is a no-code NFT creation tool made to help creators in all level, especially beginners.

  • Finalized Digital Assets: These are the files that will become your NFTs (images, videos, audio, etc.). Don't have the art assets yet? You can also use NIftyKit's Free art generator here

  • Digital Wallet: This digital vault stores, manages, sends, and receives your cryptocurrency and NFTs (digital collectibles). Creating a Base NFT collection supports a variety of wallets, so you can choose between software options (apps) or hardware wallets (physical devices). Research and pick a wallet provider that suits your needs. We recommend some popular options: MetaMask (software), WalletConnect (software), and Coinbase (software).

  • Base Cryptocurrency for Gas Fees: You'll need some cryptocurrency to cover gas fees for deploying the smart contract and minting NFTs. If you need to bridge Base from Ethereum Mainnet, you can watch our Bridge Tutorial here.

  • Content for your NFT Collection:

    • Collection Name & Description: Craft a catchy name and write a compelling description for your NFT collection.

    • Metadata: This data provides details about each NFT, like its name, description, and any unique properties. You can create metadata manually or use NiftyKit's tools.

Optional (but Recommended):

  • Understanding of NFTs & Smart Contracts: While NiftyKit is user-friendly, a basic understanding of these concepts will help you navigate the platform effectively.

  • Marketing Plan: Consider how you'll promote your NFT collection to build a community and attract buyers.

Additional Considerations:

  • Choosing a Collection Type: NiftyKit offers two main contract types: Drop for generative drops with many NFTs or one asset for multiple tokens. and Edition for one-of-one NFTs.

  • Setting Up Revenue Split (if applicable): If you're collaborating with others, NiftyKit's revenue splitter helps distribute funds automatically.

  • Pre-reveal Image (optional): This is a placeholder image users see before the official NFT reveal, and can be the fallback image.

NiftyKit: Launch Your Base NFT Collection in 8 Easy Steps (No Coding Required!)

1. Free Sign Up: Get started with NiftyKit's user-friendly platform for creating secure, fast, and affordable smart contracts - no coding needed!

2. Smart Contract Builder: Click "Create" to unleash your NFT collection. Let the magic begin!

3. Choose Your Collection Type:

  • Drops: Ideal for large collections, reveals, dynamic NFTs, and blind minting. (Highly Recommended)

  • Editions: Perfect for simple collections with individual image uploads.

4. Base Network Advantage: NiftyKit supports Base Network, an Ethereum Layer 2 solution for efficient, cost-effective NFT creation. (Optional: See how we launched a Base Diamond Contract for just $0.37!)

5. Customize Your Smart Contract:

  • Upload a captivating image and banner.

  • Set your collection name, symbol, and description.

  • Enter your primary and secondary wallet addresses. (Don't have a wallet yet? Create one easily!)

  • Click "Save Draft" to save your progress.

6. Upload NFTs and Launch Contract:

  • Drag and drop your art files for easy upload.

  • Edit metadata anytime with the user-friendly builder.

  • Click Create Contract to finalize and launch your Base Collection.

7. No Sales Fees, Start Minting:

  • Click "Prepare Drop" to open your mint for sale. NiftyKit takes 0% commission on your sales. Tools are free for creators.

  • Share your dedicated mint page for easy minting. Click "view" to go to your generated mint page.

  • NFTs automatically appear on marketplaces like OpenSea and Coinbase.

8. Upgrade Your Collection (Optional):

  • Unlock additional features like token access, credit card minting, soulbound restrictions, royalty updates, and more!

  • Take advantage of NiftyKit's App features to boost your collection's value and engagement. NiftyKit also supports built in frames for Farcaster.

Try Creating a Draft Demo Collection here for free

What is the NiftyKit Demo Collection?

This free feature is your gateway into the exciting world of NFTs. It's a pre-built collection within the NiftyKit platform that allows you to experiment and explore all the functionalities involved in creating and managing your own collection, completely free of charge.

Why Use the Base Demo Collection?

The Base Demo Collection is a fantastic way to:

  • Get Comfortable with the Platform: Navigate the NiftyKit interface, familiarize yourself with the layout, and discover all the features it offers.

  • Test Uploading NFTs: Practice uploading your digital assets (images, audio, or video) and see how they appear within the collection.

  • Explore Metadata Options: Play around with adding descriptions, properties, and other relevant information to your NFTs. This metadata is crucial for potential collectors.

  • Simulate a Waitlist: Set up a waitlist to gauge interest in your hypothetical collection. This is a great way to see how NiftyKit facilitates building anticipation before your official launch.

The Benefits of Experimentation

By using the Demo Collection, you can gain valuable experience without any financial commitment. This allows you to:

  • Build Confidence: Feel empowered by understanding the process before launching your real collection.

  • Refine Your Collection Concept: Experiment with different NFT ideas and see how they translate within the platform.

  • Iron Out Any Kinks: Identify any potential challenges you might face and address them before launch.

Ready to Try the Base Demo Collection?

Head over to NiftyKit and sign up for a free account. You'll be automatically granted access to your very own Demo Collection. From there, you can explore all the features and get a taste of the exciting world of NFT creation!

Remember, the Demo Collection is your playground. Experiment, learn, and get ready to launch your NFT collection with confidence!

Get Based: How to Create Base NFT Collection

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